Friday, January 25, 2008

The Heart of a Chief

I really enjoyed reading The Heart of a Chief both for pleasure and also for building my awareness of Native Americans. This book addresses many different issues that would be appropriate to address in a classroom. Not only does this book portray Native Americans in a positive and authentic way, but the story also includes good messages about staying true to yourself, standing up for what you believe in, and kids can make a difference. When I finished the story I was really pleased with how the story wrapped up. Everything really seemed to fall in to place perfectly. Chris was looking out for the benefit of his people by saving the heart of their land and also by providing a place where they can make some money. However, when we came to class and had discussions many people felt that the story ended too optimistically and a little too perfect. This caused me to think that maybe it was just a little too easy. When the head coach and the star of the team are on your side then things couldn't be too hard for requesting a mascot change. However, I am one who believes that it is important for children's literature to be uplifting and encouraging hope. Children learn through life about hardships and downfalls. I think that it is important and beneficial for students to read about people their age making a difference and overcoming obstacles. 
Another reason why I feel that this book would be a great addition to a classroom library is because I think it has the potential to change misconceptions held by some students about Native Americans. Because the story takes place in current times students are made aware that Native Americans are not just something of the past. They are real people with a culture all of their own that it is important to learn about and respect. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. 

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